Al kisah harini mulanya practical dengan senyumnya dan sedikit cuak berbaur excited. Hari ini start pukul 10am dan dimulakan dengan breakfast dan MacD dan kemudian sesi ice breaking, then pengenalan pada Sudah semestinya mereka ini semua sempoi habis and BK pun tidak berasa awkward bila berada dalam office. Btw, I don't have to worry about food, everything is provided. Can't imagine my stomach from this month onwards. Hee =)

Masuk-masuk suasana santai and very conducive just like CISCO . I' ve learned so much today. From network to ads. Then, lunch at redWalk.
Today, I have been assigned to do some tasks. My feeling right now 's like , am I 22yo? adult? and I'am going to work soon. Cepatnya. Tak sangka lepas ini dah start nak bekerja. Ouch, terasa nak muda balik.
My mom just called me to make sure everything is alright. Love you mom. Always be there when I need you. Yup, my dad too. =)
Ok, study balik flowchart, mockups, review notes.
Btw, thanks for those who wished me luck at FB.
S/H= BSA, Balsamiq