Wednesday, May 23, 2012



Rasa sedih sangat hati
Rasa dah penat nak jaga hati semua orang
Rasa diri dah lemah sangat-sangat
Rasa hati dah luruh
Rasa nak menangis pun air mata dah tak boleh nak keluar
Rasa nak menyerit kuat-kuat
Rasa nak pecah kepala fikir itu ini
Rasa dah penat nak puaskan hati orang

 Sekadar hiasan~

Tetapi selalunya...
Mesti kena sedar
Tak boleh lemah
Kena selalu buat diri dan orang motivate
Kena selalu kuat
Kena selalu cool
Kena selalu ingat ibu bapa kita lagi banyak dugaan 
Kena selalu ingat Nabi Muhammad lagi banyak dugaan
Kena selalu ingat kita ada agama 
dan yang paling mustahak
kita ada Tuhan yang sentiasa mendengar dan memahami setiap rintihan hambanya =)



Khairi said...

Ada masa, mmg akn rasa down. Mana² manusia akn rasa cm tu. Tp..tu la hidup. Kita rasa penat utk mnghadapi smua tu. yg lg mnghadapi lg susah..mereka mampu hadapi dgn tabah. Be Strong, Always remember..someone always be there for you. :)

hucsna-B.K said...

thnx khairi =)

Anonymous said...

you know that feeling? when you're just waiting.. waiting to get home, into your room, close your door, fall into bed, and just let everything out that you kept in all day long.. that feeling of both relief and desperation.. nothing is worng, but nothing is right either.. and you are tired.. tired of everything, tired of nothing.. and you just wanted someone to be there and tell you its okay.. but no ones going to be there.. and you know you have to be strong for yourself, because no one can fix you.. but you tired of waiting.. tired of having to be the one to fix yourself and everyone else.. tired of being strong.. and for once, you just want it to be easy.. to be simple.. to be helped.. to be saved..
but you know you wont be.. but you're still hoping.. and you're still staying strong and fighting, with tears in eyes..... you're fighting..-Anynonymous7-6

hucsna-B.K said...

i thnk i know u.. i guess. ya.. agreed .. btw the thing is we have to fce all the prob n ve to b strong.. if not thre ll be no point to live n =)